Crackers Books

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Published by Crackers Books,

31 March 2024

Research Paper Crunch: A Deep Dive into Sustainability for SMEs

Martins, A.; Branco, M.C.; Melo, P.N.; Machado, C. Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6493.


In the ever-evolving discourse on sustainability, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) find themselves at a crucial juncture. The paper "Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda" offers an insightful examination of how SMEs navigate the complex terrain of sustainability, highlighting both achievements and areas ripe for future exploration. This Research Paper Crunch delves into the key findings of this comprehensive study and explores the implications for SMEs striving to align with sustainability goals.

The Growing Emphasis on Sustainability

The urgency of embedding sustainability into the core strategy of businesses has never been more pronounced. With the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development setting a global blueprint, the spotlight has turned to SMEs. These entities, often characterized by their agility and innovation, are increasingly recognized for their pivotal role in driving sustainable practices. However, despite their significance, research focusing on sustainability within SMEs has remained relatively scant.

Key Themes and Findings

The systematic literature review conducted between 2000 and 2020 identified four main research clusters:

1. Sustainability and SMEs’ Performance: This theme explores the direct impact of sustainable practices on the operational and financial aspects of SMEs. The growing body of evidence suggests a positive correlation, encouraging more SMEs to integrate sustainability into their business models.

2. Green and Environmental Management Issues: Focused on the environmental aspect of sustainability, studies under this cluster examine the implementation of green practices within SMEs. Despite challenges, there's an emerging trend of SMEs adopting eco-friendly practices, driven by both regulatory requirements and market opportunities.

3. Social and Cultural Issues and Their Impact on Sustainability Policies: This area delves into how social and cultural contexts influence SMEs’ sustainability efforts. It's an underexplored domain that calls for more research, particularly in understanding how societal norms and values shape sustainability initiatives within SMEs.

4. Values, Skills, and Capabilities: Highlighting the internal capabilities needed to foster sustainability, this cluster underscores the importance of managerial attitudes, knowledge, and skills in steering SMEs toward sustainable practices.

The paper underscores several gaps and opportunities in the current research landscape. Notably, there's a call for more theoretically grounded research that can offer deeper insights into the mechanisms through which sustainability impacts SME performance. Moreover, the need for studies using larger samples and focusing on non-manufacturing sectors is evident, offering a more comprehensive understanding of sustainability across different SME contexts.

Practical Implications

For practitioners and policymakers, the findings serve as a valuable resource in crafting strategies that support SMEs in their sustainability journey. The emphasis on developing capabilities and navigating social and environmental challenges provides a clear direction for targeted interventions and support mechanisms.


The journey toward sustainability is a multifaceted challenge for SMEs, fraught with both opportunities and obstacles. The systematic literature review sheds light on the critical areas where SMEs are making strides, as well as the gaps that need bridging. As the global economy moves towards a more sustainable future, the role of SMEs remains central. With the right support, resources, and research focus, these enterprises can significantly contribute to achieving broader sustainability goals, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

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