Published by Crackers Books,

2 August 2024

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Beyond Human Agency: The Power of Objects ​in Activism at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Brice, J. E. (2023). Clothes and caps: An exploration of the thing-power of objects and activism at the ​Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58(6), 932-950.

The paper titled “Clothes and Caps: An Exploration of the Thing-Power of Objects and Activism at the ​Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games” explores the significant role that seemingly inanimate objects like ​unitards and swim caps play in the broader discourse of activism, specifically within the high-profile ​context of the Olympics. The study draws on new materialist theory and vital materialism, particularly ​the work of Jane Bennett, to argue that objects are not passive but have the agency to influence human ​actions and societal norms.

Reflection on the Paper:

1. The Agency of Objects:

The article challenges traditional views that see objects as inert. By emphasizing the ‘thing-power’ of ​objects like the unitards worn by German gymnasts and the Soul Cap designed for Black swimmers, the ​paper highlights how these items do more than function; they communicate and enact change. They ​aren’t just tools used by athletes but are participants in the dialogue about sexism and racism in sports. ​This perspective encourages us to think more deeply about the everyday objects around us and their ​potential impact on societal issues.

2. Broader Implications for Activism:

The study extends the discussion of activism to include non-human elements, which is a refreshing ​expansion of what activism can entail. It suggests that activism need not always be a human shouting ​on the streets; it can also be the silent yet powerful statement made by wearing a full-body unitard ​instead of a bikini-cut leotard, challenging the sexualization of female athletes. This broadens the ​scope of how we understand and engage with political and social activism, suggesting a more inclusive ​approach that recognizes the power of non-human agents.

3. Intersectionality of Struggles:

The paper effectively ties the individual acts of using different objects to broader social struggles ​against racism and sexism, encapsulated in the controversies around the banning of the Soul Cap and ​the choice of unitards. This intersectionality enriches the discourse, showing how various forms of ​discrimination are interconnected and how objects at the Olympics become symbols of these larger ​battles.

4. Challenges to Traditional Power Structures:

The analysis of how these objects challenge existing power structures within the world of sports ​governance, such as the International Olympic Committee and FINA, provides a critical examination of ​how entrenched norms and rules can be questioned and potentially rewritten. It’s a call to recognize ​and harness the power of objects within organized structures to promote equity and justice.

5. Methodological Inspiration:

For researchers and scholars, the paper serves as a methodological guide on how to incorporate new ​materialist theories into practical research. The detailed description of how thematic analysis was ​adapted to explore the agency of objects offers a novel methodological pathway for similar studies in ​the humanities and social sciences.

Lessons Learned:

Objects can be powerful agents of change. Their design, usage, and the contexts in which they are ​embedded can challenge and alter social norms and expectations.

• Activism can and should be understood broadly to include the actions of non-human agents.

• Interdisciplinary approaches, such as those that bridge sports studies and materialist philosophies, ​can yield insightful analyses that challenge conventional understandings of both fields.

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