Published by Crackers Books,

11 October 2024

Research Paper Crunch\\

Summary of the Article: "Reframing Development ​Theory: The Significance of the Idea of Uneven and ​Combined Development" by Fouad Makki

Makki, F. (2015). Reframing development theory: The significance of the idea of uneven and combined ​development. Theory and Society, 44(5), 471-497.

Main Argument and Content: The article discusses the significance of the concept of "uneven and ​combined development" for Development Theory. Fouad Makki identifies the limitations of traditional ​theories of capitalist development that emerged during the postwar era and explains how these ​theories were restricted by their ontological assumptions and methodological approaches. The paper ​critically engages with Marxist and classical social theories to illustrate the conceptual deficiencies in ​explaining the historical trajectory of capitalist development.

The concept of uneven and combined development, originally formulated by Leon Trotsky, is ​introduced as a way to address these shortcomings. Trotsky’s idea is proposed as a framework that ​integrates the global nature of capitalist development, emphasizing how different societies experience ​modernization in varied and interconnected ways. The author elaborates on how Trotsky’s theory can ​provide a relational understanding of global development, highlighting its potential to explain the ​complex spatio-temporal dynamics of capitalist modernization.

Key Points:

  1. Historical Evolution of Development Theory:
    • The article reviews the historical development of postwar theories such as modernization, ​dependency, and world-systems theory.
    • These theories, despite their differences, shared certain limitations in explaining the diversity of ​developmental trajectories.
  2. Uneven and Combined Development:
    • The paper revisits Trotsky’s concept, detailing its relevance in contextualizing development as a ​relational, global process.
    • It discusses how this concept allows for a nuanced understanding of historical development ​that avoids the pitfalls of linear and deterministic models.
  3. Integration with Contemporary Theories:
    • Makki critically assesses Trotsky’s formulation and explores how it can be expanded to address ​the complexities of contemporary global capitalism.
    • The article suggests the need for a more differentiated conception of capitalist development ​that incorporates spatial and temporal dynamics.


  • The article provides a comprehensive critique of traditional development theories, making a strong ​case for the relevance of uneven and combined development.
  • It successfully synthesizes various strands of thought in Marxism and postwar development ​theories, making it a valuable contribution to the field.
  • The author articulates a sophisticated argument that connects theory to historical and ​contemporary global processes.


  • While the article builds on Trotsky’s ideas, it occasionally assumes prior familiarity with Marxist ​concepts, which may make it challenging for readers unfamiliar with these theories.
  • The conceptual expansion of uneven and combined development is ambitious, but it might not be ​sufficiently elaborated in practical terms for empirical application.

Inspiration for Readers

By reading this article, readers will be inspired to rethink how global development is understood and ​approached. The paper encourages a departure from rigid, deterministic theories and promotes a more ​relational and interconnected view of development processes. It will resonate particularly with those ​interested in the intersections of political economy, world history, and social theory, as it invites ​scholars to consider new ways of analyzing global capitalist dynamics that account for complexity, ​variation, and interdependence.

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