Published by Crackers Books,

29 July 2024

“Karl Marx’s Capital": A Concise ​Overview

Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto,” co-authored with Friedrich Engels and first published in 1848, is one ​of the most influential political documents in history. The manifesto outlines the theories of Marx and ​Engels about the nature of society, politics, and the trajectory of capitalist economies toward a ​revolutionary overthrow by the proletariat.

Key Points

1. Historical Materialism: The manifesto is grounded in the theory of historical materialism, which ​posits that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. This theory ​suggests that societal changes occur through the conflict between different social classes, driven ​primarily by economic factors (Ritter, 2022).

2. Class Struggle and Proletariat Revolution: Marx and Engels argue that capitalist societies are ​characterized by the exploitation of the proletariat (working class) by the bourgeoisie (capitalist class). ​They predict that this exploitation will eventually lead to a proletarian revolution, overthrowing the ​bourgeoisie and establishing a classless, communist society (Schwartz, 2018).

3. Critique of Capitalism: The manifesto critiques the capitalist system for its inherent inequalities ​and crises. It describes how capitalism’s drive for profit leads to overproduction, economic instability, ​and the immiseration of the working class. Marx and Engels argue that capitalism is unsustainable and ​will be replaced by communism (Kyambalesa, 2019).

4. Communist Goals and Strategies: The manifesto outlines the goals of the communist movement, ​including the abolition of private property, the establishment of a proletarian state, and the ​implementation of policies such as free education, progressive taxation, and the centralization of credit ​and communication (Das, 2022).

5. Global Impact and Contemporary Relevance: Despite being written in the 19th century, the ​manifesto continues to influence political thought and movements worldwide. It serves as a critical ​reference for understanding social and economic inequalities and advocating for systemic change ​(Felicia, Gubak, & Daniel, 2020).


The “Communist Manifesto” remains a seminal work in political theory, providing a robust critique of ​capitalism and a blueprint for communist revolution. Its analysis of class struggle, capitalist dynamics, ​and revolutionary strategies continues to resonate with and inspire movements for social justice and ​equality today.


• Das, R. (2022). On The Communist Manifesto: Ideas for the Newly Radicalizing Public. World Review of ​Political Economy. Link

• Felicia, D., Gubak, & Daniel, H. (2020). Book Review Of The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx & ​Friedrich Engels. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP). Link

• Kyambalesa, H. (2019). A Critique of Socialism and Marxism. PRN: Social Sciences (Topic). Link

• Ritter, C. (2022). The Communist Manifesto: A Weapon of Mass Destruction or A Tool for Tomorrow? ​Constellations. Link

• Schwartz, P. (2018). “The Communist Manifesto” and the Lure of Scientific Socialism. Iberian Journal ​of the History of Economic Thought. Link

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